嗚嗚喔學習筆記: 4月 2021


2021年4月28日 星期三

[C#] Color to uint & uint to Color

1byte => 0~255 byte[3] 剛好可以對應 Color 的RGB( 0~255,0~255,0~255) 如果有要做 儲存 or 讀取 or 傳輸 可以用這轉換減少容量

public static class ColorUtility
    public const uint ColorWhiteInt = 4294967295;
    public const uint ColorBlackInt = 4278190080;

    static byte[] Byte4 = new byte[4];
    public static Color32 ToColor(uint colorInt)
        byte r = (byte)(colorInt >> 0);
        byte g = (byte)(colorInt >> 8);
        byte b = (byte)(colorInt >> 16);
        byte a = (byte)(colorInt >> 24);
        return new Color32(r, g, b, a);
    public static uint ToColorInt(Color32 c)
        Byte4[0] = c.r;
        Byte4[1] = c.g;
        Byte4[2] = c.b;
        Byte4[3] = c.a;

        uint colorInt = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Byte4, 0);
        return colorInt;

2021年4月22日 星期四

Leet Code 四叉樹建立分享

https://leetcode.com/problems/construct-quad-tree/ 四叉樹維基 四叉樹簡介:

好處在做搜尋時比較快。 O(n) -> O(h) // h為樹的高度 //n 為總數

Leet Code 四叉樹建立分享 簡單來說就是用遞迴去跑 8->4->2->1 以此類推

step 1. 判斷是否全 0 or 全 1 如果是 isLeaf = true, reutrn node

step 2. 如果不是把它分成4等份 呼叫遞迴

step 3. 一直到拆分到只剩 1 為止


// Definition for a QuadTree node.

public class Node {

    public bool val;

    public bool isLeaf;

    public Node topLeft;

    public Node topRight;

    public Node bottomLeft;

    public Node bottomRight;

    public Node() {

        val = false;

        isLeaf = false;

        topLeft = null;

        topRight = null;

        bottomLeft = null;

        bottomRight = null;



    public Node(bool _val, bool _isLeaf) {

        val = _val;

        isLeaf = _isLeaf;

        topLeft = null;

        topRight = null;

        bottomLeft = null;

        bottomRight = null;



    public Node(bool _val,bool _isLeaf,Node _topLeft,Node _topRight,Node _bottomLeft,Node _bottomRight) {

        val = _val;

        isLeaf = _isLeaf;

        topLeft = _topLeft;

        topRight = _topRight;

        bottomLeft = _bottomLeft;

        bottomRight = _bottomRight;




public class Solution {

    public Node Construct(int[][] grid)


        if (grid == null)


            return null;


        Node root = new Node();

        root = Link(grid);

        return root;


    public Node Link(int[][] grid)


        Node n = new Node();

        if (grid.Length == 1)


            n.val = grid[0][0] == 1;

            n.isLeaf = true;

            return n;


        int size = grid.Length;

        int halfSize = size / 2;

        bool all1 = true;

        bool all0 = true;

        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)


            for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)


                all0 = all0 && grid[x][y] == 0;

                all1 = all1 && grid[x][y] == 1;



        if (all1)


            n.val = true;

            n.isLeaf = true;

            return n;


        if (all0)


            n.val = false;

            n.isLeaf = true;

            return n;


        int[][] topleft = new int[halfSize][];

        for (int x = 0; x < halfSize; x++)


            for (int y = 0; y < halfSize; y++)


                if (topleft[y] == null)


                    topleft[y] = new int[halfSize];


                topleft[y][x] = grid[y][x];



        n.topLeft = Link(topleft);

        int[][] topRight = new int[halfSize][];

        for (int x = halfSize; x < halfSize * 2; x++)


            for (int y = 0; y < halfSize; y++)


                if (topRight[y] == null)


                    topRight[y] = new int[halfSize];


                topRight[y][x - halfSize] = grid[y][x];



        n.topRight = Link(topRight);

        int[][] bottomLeft = new int[halfSize][];

        for (int x = 0; x < halfSize; x++)


            for (int y = halfSize; y < halfSize * 2; y++)


                if (bottomLeft[y - halfSize] == null)


                    bottomLeft[y - halfSize] = new int[halfSize];


                bottomLeft[y - halfSize][x] = grid[y][x];



        n.bottomLeft = Link(bottomLeft);

        int[][] bottomRight = new int[halfSize][];

        for (int x = halfSize; x < halfSize * 2; x++)


            for (int y = halfSize; y < halfSize * 2; y++)


                if (bottomRight[y - halfSize] == null)


                    bottomRight[y - halfSize] = new int[halfSize];


                bottomRight[y - halfSize][x - halfSize] = grid[y][x];



        n.bottomRight = Link(bottomRight);

        if (n.topLeft == null && n.topRight == null && n.bottomLeft == null && n.bottomRight == null)


            return null;




            if (n.topLeft.val || n.topRight.val || n.bottomLeft.val || n.bottomRight.val)


                n.val = true;

                return n;




                n.val = false;

                return n;



